Nihongo So-matome JLPT N3: Grammar


About this volume:

Original Title: 日本語総まとめN3文法
Pages: 111
ISBN: 978-4-86639-490-9
Book Size: B5
Languages: Japanese with English, Chinese, and Korean translations
Publication Date: This edition – May, 2022




The Nihongo So-Matome series, from esteemed Japanese-language-teaching publishers, Ask, are some of the most popular study guides for students preparing for the JLPT. This N3-level grammar textbook, one part of a 5-book set (sold separately), is designed to be used as a six-week study guide. The book is structured in 6 chapters, each containing 7 lessons, with the goal to complete one lesson with 3 or 4 grammatical structures found on the JLPT every day. Each grammatical item has its own example sentences, and the examples and explanations are all translated into English, Chinese, and Korean. There are practice questions to test your understanding, and answers are written at the end of the following day’s lesson.

If you follow the study regime presented in the book, from Day 1 to Day 6 every week, you will study grammatical items that are similar in form and usage, hoping to accustom you to the subtle differences in meanings. On Day 7, you will check to see if you have learned them by doing the “Jissen Mondai” (practice example) that is in the JLPT format.

There is very little N3+ vocabulary in this book, which means you can simply focus on studying and improving your grammar. The book also helps the reader with commonly confused sentence patterns and conjunctive expressions and focuses on not just the test, but also on helping you with your Japanese for daily life. There’s a good reason that these books are so popular, and if you are studying for the N3, we can’t recommend this book enough.

–   6 chapters (weeks), with 7 lessons per unit.
–   Each unit has a mix of example sentences to explain the grammar point and drills to practice it.
–   Answer key in the back.

Recommended for you if:

–   You are studying for the JLPT 3.
–   You are looking for an excellent study guide focused on N3-level grammar.
–   You like books with native-language translations of example sentences.
–   You want to focus on your grammar study without worrying about new kanji and vocabulary.

About this volume:

Original Title: 日本語総まとめN3文法
Pages: 111
ISBN: 978-4-86639-490-9
Book Size: B5
Languages: Japanese with English, Chinese, and Korean translations
Publication Date: This edition – May, 2022


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